Become a member

One duck
$1 per month

Basic support of the channel. Every little bit helps, so thank you! Enjoy these baby ducks.

Discord role
Exclusive content! Scripts, behind-the-scenes, extended cuts, polls, and more!
Five ducks
$5 per month

What was once a single duck has quintupled - nature, how's that work? Also, it takes three ducks to take a picture of two ducks, if you were curious.

Discord role
Exclusive content! Scripts, behind-the-scenes, extended cuts, polls, and more!
Video credit
Ten ducks
$10 per month

This time we're only doubling the number of ducks, which is a far more reasonable escalation of the duck crowd

Discord role
Exclusive content! Scripts, behind-the-scenes, extended cuts, polls, and more!
Credit in videos
Members-only discount on merch
Twenty ducks!
$20 per month

The pictured duck is their spokesduck

Discord role
Exclusive content! Scripts, behind-the-scenes, extended cuts, polls, and more!
Emphasized name in video credits
Members-only discount on merch
Monthly thank you card (if I have your address)
VIP access in livestreams
Fifty ducks!!
$50 per month

This waddling of ducks is fancy - just look at their spokesduck (so fancy).

Discord role
Exclusive content! Scripts, behind-the-scenes, extended cuts, polls, and more!
Even more emphasized name in video credits
Members-only discount on merch
Monthly thank you card (if I have your address)
VIP access in livestreams
The hecto-duck!!
$100 per month

This is DUCK, sister to the chaos dragon (uwu)
It would like to kindly stir up some chaos, in an adorable manner of course.

Discord role
Exclusive content! Scripts, behind-the-scenes, extended cuts, polls, and more!
Ultimate emphasis in video credits - seriously let me know the font and color and it's done
Members-only discount on merch
Monthly thank you card (if I have your address)
VIP access in livestreams